Who We Are?
We build a healthy neighborhood by bringing together like-minded individuals, businesses and
organizations who accepts the Healthy Neighborhood values and demonstrates commitment to these
principles with the following personal and commercial behaviors:
- Maintains some spiritual practice and understands that personal health is founded on living an
increasingly mindful and caring life with integrity and being at peace with self and others. - Promotes a culture of preventative health of body, spirit, mind and community. Eats lightly and
reduces non vegetarian food intake. - Exercises regularly, and wherever possible, encourages others to walk or enjoy physical activity,
Assisting handicapped or shut ins with exercise is also a goal.
- Contributes to the development of young people in the community. Purchases books and other
resources to help at least one young person grow. Shares knowledge and expertise. Mentors
- Advocates for opportunities for women and under served members of the community.
Patronizes their businesses. - Seeks to support the infirm and elderly by calling or visiting, providing an occasional meal ,
reading material or other item of interest
- Has a commitment to prosperity and health in the community. Buys local whenever possible
(including street vendors and local cottage industries).
- Reduces use of utilities such as water, electricity and fuel.
- Recycles and reuses.
- Chooses efficient modes of transportation (train, bus, etc.)
- Reduces use of products that deplete he environment (such as meat which uses a lot of water ).
Reduces the use of toxins such as pesticides, insecticides and and synthetic compounds that
harm the environment. - Attempts to cultivates plants or trees and pesticide free foods.
- Purchases simple natural food and drink over chemically laden commercial offerings.
- Recognizes that the earth is our mother and should be cherished.
- Avoids unnecessary prejudice towards those who follow other religions, belong to other
cultures or who may not be as fortunate as we are. Acts to establish an environment of peace
and justice
- Partners with individuals, family and groups to create a vibrant, supportive environment where
individuals feel welcomed and valued.